Jaltest English Blog

Cojali Group

Monday, December 2, 2013

New Section on the Website www.jaltest.com – Videos and Tutorials

Jaltest is pleased to announce the new section within its website: Videos and Tutorials. We hope this new multimedia section helps our customers to work even more efficiently with our Jaltest Multibrand Diagnostic tool.

Among some of the videos already published, you can find:
  • Introduction of the new Jaltest Diagnostic Software
  • News and important new features of the new Jaltest Diagnostic Software
  • Information on how to activate the Jaltest Multibrand Diagnostic units
  • Diagnostic demonstrations in IvecoStralisEuro3– Jaltest Soft12.2
  • Diagnostic demonstrations in MercedesActrosII-JaltestSoft 12.2
  • and more…. 

Visit our website and check out the videos already published, which will help the user optimize the handling of the Jaltest unit. Our users will have the opportunity to access these and other examples to come in the future.

Jaltest.Intelligent Diagnostics.

Customer Service Department

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