Jaltest English Blog

Cojali Group

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Jaltest Report; a good partner for Jaltest

Just like with everything that evolves, if there is not knowledge behind, the value of the development can be lost. And so, evolution is one of the most important features of Jaltest, offering, with Jaltest Report, an overall view of the innovations and developments as well as of the systems and models that are included in Jaltest coverage.

Exceptional presence of Jaltest AGV at Agritechnica 2015

For the first time, Cojali and Jaltest AGV attended the 15th edition of Agritechnica, meeting point for leading companies in the agricultural sector, where innovations and future technologies were presented. 

For Jaltest AGV, it has been a great opportunity to show worldwide the business opportunities it offers to workshops in the market of electronic control for agricultural vehicles.

All the technicians and professionals, who visited the stand, considered that the technical information and wiring diagrams included in the software are of great help to repair failures in an easy and quick way. In the same way, they valued the high level of development and the simplicity of performing advanced diagnosis functions, such as parameter settings and calibrations.  

The warm reception by the multibrand repair sector consolidates Jaltest AGV as the leading equipment in the market. Therefore, from the Engineering Department, we consider that the presence of Jaltest in Agritechnica 2015 has been exceptional, and we want to thank the visitors for their assistance and interest in Jaltest AGV.  

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Jaltest Info. Technical Information in Jaltest Soft

When we affirm that “Jaltest is much more than diagnosis”, we are talking about the images, pictograms, charts and diagrams available in our software, aimed at making the repair and checking of the vehicle easier.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

I Training Course for South American Distributors

The last week of October and the first week of November were full of activity at Cojali. First, we received the visit of our Jaltest distributors in Latin America, who attended a special training course in Spanish, and next the visit of our distributors from the rest of the world who, in another course, learnt the last technological innovations in commercial vehicles.